MongoDB and MongoJS - can't get runCommand to work for text queries

8.7k views Asked by At

My goal is to use MongoDB's (2.4.4) text command from Node. It works fine from the command line. Based on this previous SO issue: Equivalent to mongo shell db.collection.runCommand() in Node.js, I tried using MongoJS (0.7.17) but can't make it go. Here is the code:

mongojs = require('mongojs');
var products = mongojs('localhost:27017/mydb').collection('products');
products.runCommand('text', {search: 'a'}, function (err, docs) {

docs returns undefined and err is null. I can execute a normal function such as products.find() fine... and I can execute the search on the MongoDB command line. Anyone know how to make this go?

BTW, here is what docs contains in the callback:

    "queryDebugString": "||||||",
    "language": "english",
    "results": [],
    "stats": {
        "nscanned": 0,
        "nscannedObjects": 0,
        "n": 0,
        "nfound": 0,
        "timeMicros": 55
    "ok": 1

BTW, if there's another approach to make this work with just the normal native driver, I'm fine with that.


There are 2 answers


Using the native driver I can run a command off of the db object as follows:

var MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;
MongoClient.connect(database, function (err, db) {
    if (!err) {
        db.command({ distinct: "Messages", key: "session" }, function (err, result) {
            //more code here

I noticed you are running the command off of the collection object, that might be the problem.

Rodrigo Arancibia On

Yo need to call the command inside the db object, not inside the connect object

MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, db) {
    if (!err) {
        var dbo = db.db();
        dbo.command({ insert: "mycollection", documents: [{"test":1}]}, function 
(err, result) {

            if (err)
                console.log("1 document inserted",result);
