I'm reading about monad transformers in Real World Haskell. In the following example, the stack is Writer
on top State
on top of Reader
on top of IO
{-# Language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
data AppConfig = AppConfig {
cfgMaxDepth :: Int
} deriving Show
data AppState = AppState {
stDeepestReached :: Int
} deriving Show
newtype MyApp a = MyA {
runA :: WriterT [(FilePath,Int)] (StateT AppState (ReaderT AppConfig IO)) a
} deriving (Monad, MonadIO, Functor, MonadReader AppConfig,
MonadWriter [(FilePath,Int)], MonadState AppState)
runApp :: MyApp a -> Int -> IO ([(FilePath,Int)], AppState)
runApp k maxDepth = let config = AppConfig maxDepth
state' = AppState 0
in runReaderT (runStateT (execWriterT $ runA k) state') config
constrainedCount :: Int -> FilePath -> MyApp ()
constrainedCount curDepth path = do
contents <- liftIO . getDirectoryContents $ path
cfg <- ask
let maxDepth = cfgMaxDepth cfg
tell [(path,curDepth)]
forM_ (filter (\d' -> d' /= ".." && d' /= ".") contents) $ \d -> do
let newPath = path </> d
isDir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist newPath
when (isDir && curDepth < maxDepth) $ do
let newDepth = curDepth+1
st <- get
when (stDeepestReached st < newDepth) $
put st { stDeepestReached = newDepth }
constrainedCount newDepth newPath
main = runApp (constrainedCount 0 "/tmp") 2 >>= print
I (think I) understand how I can simply call ask
, get
and put
since these are defined in the MonadReader
, MonadWriter
and MonadState
typeclasses and there are instances such as MonadWriter (StateT s m)
and so on.
What I don't understand is why I cannot explicit lift
an action from the layer below up to the current monad transformer. In constrainedCount
I'm in the Reader monad, if I understand correctly, and I thought both st <- get
and st <- lift get
should work. (And that tell
and lift . lift . tellshould be the same). If I change
st <- getto
st <- lift get` I get the error
Couldn't match type `t0 m0' with `MyApp'
Expected type: MyApp ()
Actual type: t0 m0 ()
which tells me very little... Is my understanding of this completely wrong?
Let's have a look at the type of
lift get
:But your
isn't a monad transformer, it's only a monad. But what's inside is, of course, so if you useit works.