I have the following Webpack config for exposing modules via Module Federation:
filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
exposes: {
'./MainLayout': { import: './src/core/MainLayout', name: 'MainLayout' },
output: {
filename: configUtils.appJsFileName,
chunkFilename: pathData => {
return pathData.chunk.name && pathData.chunk.name.startsWith('main')
? configUtils.appJsChunkFileName
: `chunks/${configUtils.appJsChunkFileName}`;
(the value of appJsChunkFileName
is '[name].[contenthash].chunk.min.js',
When i run Webpack dev-server, the chunks show up in the browser Network panel with readable names such as MainLayout.48fj9d.js
, however in Production builds it just shows up as 94948.sjd8j.js
How can i fix it?