Modulate complex signal on all gpio

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I need a signal at the output of the GIPO of approximately this shape.(sub-pulse in pulse)enter image description here

How can this be implemented using PWM on PI? Im trying do it with RPIO,but his ancient GPIO pinout maybe not working for my Rpi 3 b+.

from RPIO import PWM
servo = PWM.Servo()
servo.set_servo(12, 10000)
PWM.add_channel_pulse(0, 12, start=200, width=2000)

Not Signal on pin. enter image description here I'm confused in it and would like to try the built-in library to work with PWM, but I did not find there the possibility of sub-cycles. How else i can a signal of this form be output from different GPIO?


There are 3 answers

Roman Mindlin On BEST ANSWER

It seems, you should use code like this. Unfortunately, I have no chance to test it since I have no frequency meter or oscillograph.

import time
import pigpio


pulse = []

#                          ON       OFF    MICROS
pulse.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<GPIO, 0,       5))
pulse.append(pigpio.pulse(0,       1<<GPIO, 5))
pulse.append(pigpio.pulse(1<<GPIO, 0,       5))
pulse.append(pigpio.pulse(0,       1<<GPIO, 1e7))

pi = pigpio.pi() # connect to local Pi

pi.set_mode(GPIO, pigpio.OUTPUT)


wid = pi.wave_create()

if wid >= 0:    
    time.sleep(60)   # or another condition for stop processing

Bill Porter On

The documentation suggests that simply passing a list of channels as the first argument to both GPIO.setup and GPIO.output will accomplish what you are asking.

chan_list = [11,12]    # add as many channels as you want!
                       # you can tuples instead i.e.:
                       #   chan_list = (11,12)
GPIO.setup(chan_list, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(chan_list, GPIO.LOW)                # sets all to GPIO.LOW
pixeld On

I have had much better PWM experience with pigpio as compared to RPi.GPIO. Wiringpi is also good but pigpio's PWM support is much better IMO.

The documentation has a few functions for generating PWM on any pin:

Do you *have* to use RPi.GPIO? I understand that this is not an exact answer, but I hope it at least points you in the right direction.