I'm sending this PDU to GSM modem and the modem returns
My modem is DWM-156(D-Link). This command works for other modems but not for DWM-156
I'm using this class to produce PDU strings:
SMSPDULib.SMS sms = new SMSPDULib.SMS();
sms.MessageEncoding = SMSPDULib.SMS.SMSEncoding.UCS2;
sms.PhoneNumber = "+98" + to;
sms.Direction = SMSPDULib.SMSDirection.Submited;
sms.Message = text;
sms.ValidityPeriod = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
string[] pdus = sms.ComposeLongSMS();
WriteLintToModem("AT+CMGS=" + pdus[0].Length / 4 + Environment.NewLine);