modelling interfaces between applications in archimate and visual paradigm

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I am evaluating VisualParadigm 14.1 currently.

What is the easiest (but semantically correct) way to model the following in VP 14.1

"Application A" sends "Data D" via "Interface I" to "Application B"

using these archimate model elements:

application model elements

Background: I have that information (applications, interfaces and data) in Excel and want to use VP to draw the diagrams (and eventually host the model). As long as Excel is the primary source for me I have to go for Excel import/export ... Please note that I am new to Archimate and VP (but not to modelling).

Edit: additional info: I used the proposed connections from the diagram, but I can draw a "usedBy" link between two components. I can call it by the data that flows. But is this semantically correct in archimate ?

a simple data flow between application components


There are 2 answers


You may consider to model in the following way:

enter image description here


  • "Application A" having a provided interface "Interface I"
  • Connect "Interface I" to "Application B" using Flow relationship
  • Connect "Data D" to the flow between "Interface I" and "Application B" using Association

BTW, Visual Paradigm support import models from Excel. You may transform the model in your Excel to fit into VP's format to perform the import. The most easy way to understand VP's Excel format is create several sample models and export it into Excel. You can then follow the format in exported Excel to fill in your model data and import them back. An example of importing SysML requirement models using Excel can be found at and this should give you idea about how it works.

Boris Orlicky On

According to specification you should use instead of FLOW connector right SERVES connector. But I who cares about semantics correct FLOW is better to understand for everyone.