I'm trying to configure mod_page speed to rewrite/change the path of resources it modifies.
For example to put example.com/test.css (once it is modified by mod page speed) at example.com/modps/test.css
I have tried using the MapRewriteDomain, which works if doing domainA/path to domainB/newpath
However this seems to be ignored if the domains are the same, even though the path is different.
For example:
This works - pagespeed MapRewriteDomain
http://example1.com/test/ http://example.com;
This doesn't work - pagespeed MapRewriteDomain
http://example.com/test/ http://example.com;
The format is pagespeed MapRewriteDomain domain_to_write_into_html domain_specified_in_html;
Does anyone know if this is possible?
I'd like to put all rewritten resources on a unique path for traffic routing purposes.