So in mobx
when you add new fields to an observable, via extendObservable
it does not rerender the component, and the idea is to use an observable map instead, which should pick up the new changes (keys/values) and rerender the component.
On load of the component, I see the Name
and the Language
values assigned in the constructor. So that's working as expected. Perfect!
The issue is after assigning the new field Year
below via the button using the addYear
action, I am able to alert out the value for it, which means it is in the map, which should rerender the component, but it does not. Here is the code:
export default class Book extends Component {
@observable book = asMap({});
const map =;
map.set('book', {name: 'The Secret', language: 'English'});
@action addYear() {
const year = {year: '2006'};
const map =;
if (map.has('book')) {
extendObservable(map.get('book'), toJS(year));
alert(map.get('book').year); // Shows Year but does not rerender
render() {
const map =;
const book = map.has('book') && map.get('book');
return (
<View style={styles.wrapper}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button}
onPress={() => this.addYear()}>
<Text style={styles.text}>Add Year!</Text>
<Text>Name: {}</Text>
<Text>Language: {book.language}</Text>
<Text>Year: {book.year}</Text>
Any idea why it's not rerendering the component on addition of Year
to the book map?
If you just have a map representing a book, you could just set the year property like this: