Mobile map package returns null for map

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I downloaded Arcgis sample mmpk file and even I made a mmpk myself.
In both files I have 1 map(checked by debug) but when I try load the map (with codes in Esri guide page) it returns null for map.
Good to say that I can show online map in my map view and android studio shows no warning or error.

    import static;

    public class ActivityMain extends AppCompatActivity {
        private MapView mMapView;
        private ArcGISMap map;

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            mMapView = (MapView) findViewById(mapView);

code and file from main site

            try {File mmpkFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),"devlabs-package.mmpk");
            String mmpkPath = mmpkFile.getAbsolutePath();
            final MobileMapPackage mobileMapPackage=new MobileMapPackage(mmpkPath);

  mobileMapPackage.addDoneLoadingListener(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {

this if gets false

             if (mobileMapPackage.getLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED) {
               showMessage(String.format("Number of maps = %d", mobileMapPackage.getMaps().size()));
map = mobileMapPackage.getMaps().get(0);
            } else {
    catch (Exception err){
      Log.e("TAG", "onCreate: "+err);

          map.addDoneLoadingListener(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                  if (map.getLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED) {
                     Log.e("TAG", "run: map loaded ok" );
                       // Once map is loaded, can check its properties and content
                    if (map.getBookmarks().size() > 0) {
                } else {

As I told part below works correctly

 //        for online maps
    //        ArcGISMap map = new ArcGISMap(Basemap.Type.TOPOGRAPHIC, 29.453826, 60.852134,12);

mMapView.addLayerViewStateChangedListener(new LayerViewStateChangedListener() {
                public void layerViewStateChanged(LayerViewStateChangedEvent layerViewStateChangedEvent) {
                    // Each layer may have more than one layer view state.
                    StringBuilder layerStatuses = new StringBuilder();
                    for (LayerViewStatus status : layerViewStateChangedEvent.getLayerViewStatus()) {
                        if (layerStatuses.length() > 0) {
                        } layerStatuses.append(;
                    showMessage(String.format("Layer '%s' status=%s", layerViewStateChangedEvent.getLayer().getName(), layerStatuses.toString()));
                } });

        protected void onPause(){

        protected void onResume(){


There are 2 answers

AudioBubble On BEST ANSWER

One of my friends tried this way but didn't got any result just like me.
So he changed the official guide code to this and got well response. I think he got code from Internet , so I don't know about it's copyright permission.

 private void setupMobileMap() {
    if (mMapView != null) {
        File mmpkFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "devlabs-package.mmpk");
        final MobileMapPackage mapPackage = new MobileMapPackage(mmpkFile.getAbsolutePath());
        mapPackage.addDoneLoadingListener(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // Verify the file loaded and there is at least one map
                if (mapPackage.getLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED && mapPackage.getMaps().size() > 0) {
                } else {
                    // Error if the mobile map package fails to load or there are no maps included in the package
                    //Log for Error
falldownhill On

if the line

if (mobileMapPackage.getLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED)

is returning false, then the mobile map package is not loaded and won't contain any maps.

In your dealWithLoadFailure() function you can retrieve the load error:


and see what it is. It should tell you what the error causing the load failure is.