Mlogit macro with dummy variables

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I am new to Stata and macros.

I am trying to loop over several variables to generate estimates from the mlogit command and then save them in datasets. That portion is working well.

The problem I have is a categorical variable that I need to split into dummy variables:

global mypath "/Volumes/NO NAME/Dissertation/Data/AIM 2"
use "$mypath/AIM 2 DATA"
global SES "sesq2 sesq3 sesq4 sesq5"


foreach xvar in age_median female marital ethnicity literacy $SES poor_health physical_median mental_median facility_fee time_clinic {
    mlogit trauma_main `xvar', b(5) vce(cluster ea_id) rrr
    parmest, saving("$mypath/multi_`xvar'.dta", replace)

I thought that by setting SES as a global variable, the loop would treat that as one set of variables, but I was mistaken. The code loops over every variable in $SES so I end up with each dummy variable regressed onto trauma_main separately, which is not what I want.

Is there a way to "tell" Stata to treat the dummy variables as one block? Additionally, I know that I could do i.SES and using that does work fine, but the reference group that is used is not the one that I want. I have googled how to set the reference group for something like i.var, but I am coming up with nothing useful, likely because I am using the wrong search terms.

Thank you in advance for any advice.



There are 2 answers

AudioBubble On BEST ANSWER

You do not need to split your categorical variable into dummies. You can use the factor variables notation (i.) instead. This is documented in help fvvarlist. With factor variables, a change of the reference category is straightforward.

Here is an example. The site variable has three categories. By default site = 1 is the reference category for the categorical variable:

webuse sysdsn1, clear

foreach v in age male {
mlogit insure `v'

With ib you can set the reference category to any desired level. If you want site = 2 as the reference, you can do the following:

foreach v in age male {
mlogit insure `v'

onestop On

Stata's documentation for the foreach command indicates that it would work without the global macro, i.e.

. foreach xvar in age_median female marital ethnicity literacy "sesq2 sesq3 sesq4 sesq5" poor_health physical_median mental_median facility_fee time_clinic {

If you want to do it using a global macro, you'll need to use compound double-quotes to define a macro that includes quote marks:

. global SES `""sesq2 sesq3 sesq4 sesq5""'