MKAnnotation via XCTest UI Testing

1.4k views Asked by At

How can I access the pins on an MKMapView via XCTest's UI Tests?

I want to count the number, verify specific ones are there (based on accessibility id or title), etc.

There doesn't seem to be a XCUIElementType for MKAnnotation.

I'm having a hard time finding any documentation on MKMapView + XCTest.


There are 3 answers

Maciej Trybiło On BEST ANSWER

The annotation views aren't under maps unfortunately. You will find map points of interest there instead. To query for an annotation view you should use XCUIApplication().windows.element.otherElements["Custom Identifier"].

Add the accessibilityIdentifier = "Custom Identifier" to your annotation view, not annotation. MKAnnotation doesn't implement accessibilityIdentifier.

Joe Masilotti On

Use UIAccessibilityIdentification.

class Annotation: NSObject, MKAnnotation, UIAccessibilityIdentification {
    let coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D
    let title: String?
    var accessibilityIdentifier: String?

    init(title: String?, coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) {
        self.title = title
        self.coordinate = coordinate

let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(40.2853, -73.3382)
let annotation = Annotation(title: "A Place Title", coordinate: coordinate)
annotation.accessibilityIdentifier = "Some Identifier"
let mapView = MKMapView()

Under test you can reference the annotation via otherElements.

let app = XCUIApplication()
let annotation = app.maps.element.otherElements["Custom Identifier"]
Ebru Güngör On

In my map i had only 1 pin and i could access to it with Map pin identifier like this:

    let annotation = app.otherElements.matching(identifier: "Map pin").firstMatch
