right now I'm trying to create an email template with MJML. I'm testing the results with litmus and so far the template is perfect for every email client. But
Outlook 365 - on Windows Outlook 2019 - on Windows
are just stretching the image to 100% width. i searched the whole day for an fix and tried pretty much everything but without success.
this is what I tried to achieve:
here is my MJML code: https://mjml.io/try-it-live/MWzVEfROGFy
this is how it looks on almost every client and here on Outlook 365 on Mac
this is how it looks on Office 365 on Windows
in the code you see my try to hide the image on Outlook, that would be a workaround if nothing else is working.
had someone the same issue?
If you just use an IMG with src="URL" instead of a base64 string it's working.