Mixed content in JAXB generated files

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Consider the following type definition in my XSD:

<xs:complexType name="ED" mixed="true">
     <xs:extension base="BIN">
        <!-- I cut some data here -->

I found that JAXB has a hard time generating code for mixed elements. I tried using <jaxb:globalBindings generateMixedExtensions="true"/>, but that isn't supported very well and generates awkward List<Serializable> code.

So I thought I could modify some element through my custom binding:

    <bindings schemaLocation="../../processable/coreschemas/datatypes-base.xsd">
        <bindings node="//xs:complexType[@mixed='true']" multiple="true">
                <javaType><!-- What do I do here? --></javaType>

Basically, I want all elements which specify mixed=true to have a custom value or content field (String) which holds the CDATA between the tags. For instance for my ED type it could be like this in XML, the title element uses ED as its type:

<title>Hello, I'm a title!</title> should yield Hello, I'm a title! as its content.

How do I do this?

For those of you interested: I'm trying to generate code for the HL7v3 CDA specifications.


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