Mitm proxy doesn't capture windows universal app ssl traffic

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As the title says, I couldn't get mitm proxy to log ssl traffic of windows apps. I tested an app working with ssl on both Android and Windows + Windows mobile. Even in fiddler, I exempted the app but it couldn't track the requests either. as I was searching I saw someone using a program (I couldn't find) to track the requests from a process called WinUAPEntry.exe that's used by universal apps for requests. Any solutions?

  • I have installed the mitm proxy's ssl cerifitcaion
  • I have set the wifi proxy to the ip of the device where mitmproxy is running
  • I have forwarded the 80, 443 in iptables as mentioned in mitmproxy tutorials

There are 2 answers


Searching a month I found out Windows Apps bypass proxy settings, tested on both Desktop and Mobile. I came up with solutions like MAC IP binding and setting NIC Ip of the host as a gateway but none worked.

Maximilian Hils On

You should be able to get this running with This is the same as Fiddler's EnableLoopback Utility though, so if that didn't work YMMV.