Missingdataerror: exog contains inf or nan while trying to fit an OLS model

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Trying to fit an OLS model but not successful. 2 responses were gotten as error:

  • missingdataerror: exog contains inf or nan
  • olsmodel1 not defined Below is my code: olsmodel1 =sm.OLS(y_train, x_train).fit() print(olsmodel1.summary())

I have checked for missing values using : df1.isna().sum()

Here is the output:

brand_name               0
os                       0
screen_size              0
4g                       0
5g                       0
main_camera_mp           0
selfie_camera_mp         0
int_memory               0
ram                      0
battery                  0
weight                   0
release_year             0
days_used                0
normalized_used_price    0
normalized_new_price     0

I will appreciate of someone can help me out. Thank you

I was actually expecting the OLS result to be generated


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