Missing links when specific baseline is determined

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I wrote a DXL script that I run from a batch file. This script creates text file where all "requirements data" within module are written. There are also all outlinks within each requirement. This works fine.

string file_location_latest = "output_latest.txt"
string file_location_all = "output_all.txt"

Stream out_latest = write file_location_latest
Stream out_all = write file_location_all

Object o
Module m
Link outLink

m = read("/PATH/TO/MODULE",true)

for o in entire(m) do {
    out_all << "<<<REQUIREMENT>>><<<ID>>>"identifier(o)"<<<LEVEL>>>"level(o)"<<<HEADING>>>"o."Object Heading""<<<COLUMN>>>"o."802_Comment""\n\n"

    for outLink in o -> "*" do {
            out_all << "\n<OUTLINK_START>"(fullName targetVersion outLink) ":" (targetAbsNo (outLink)) "<OUTLINK_END>\n"         

But now I need the same procedure but not to a whole module but to specific baseline. I wrote another script. It works also fine BUT there is one problem: All links which point to this (same) module are missing. What am I doing wrong?

Module mBaseline_latest = load (m, getMostRecentBaseline(m, false), false)

for o in entire(mBaseline_latest) do {
    out_latest << "<<<REQUIREMENT>>><<<ID>>>"identifier(o)"<<<LEVEL>>>"level(o)"<<<HEADING>>>"o."Object Heading""<<<COLUMN>>>"o."802_Comment""\n\n"

    for outLink in o -> "*" do {
            out_latest << "\n<OUTLINK_START>"(fullName targetVersion outLink) ":" (targetAbsNo (outLink)) "<OUTLINK_END>\n"         

If I check the links within this Baseline in GUI Doors, the links are there. So the problem is really on my side.

Thank you.


There are 1 answers

Mike On

depending on your requirements, you might miss links that only go to a baseline, not to a current version. These will be reported using the perm "for outlink in all o->". See chapter "Versioned Links" in the DXL manual