Missing Dependency: rdiscount

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I am trying to build a site using jekyll, I have install jekyll and as the next requirement I have also done sudo gem install rdiscount

Successfully installed rdiscount-2.1.7
Parsing documentation for rdiscount-2.1.7
Done installing documentation for rdiscount after 0 seconds
1 gem installed

but when I try to start the jekyll server I get the following error:

 $ [sudo] gem install rdiscount
  Conversion error: There was an error converting '_posts/1970-01-01-placeholder-post.md/#excerpt'.

                    Missing dependency: rdiscount

Looks like it doesn't recognize the rdiscount, I am on a mac and use homebrew to do package management. I am not familiar with the ruby or rubygem language (Come from python background). What might be the issue here?


There are 2 answers

David Hutchison On

Generally the easiest way to ensure dependencies are correct is to use bundle. I thought this was in the Jekyll documentation but can't find it anymore. If you are already using this approach you will just need to add rdiscount to your Gemfile.

There is a guide on how to set it up for use with GitHub pages here. Depending on your requirements the github-pages gem may be fine to work with.

kaka chen On

I got an answer from some blogs. You can try this:

$ gem install rdiscount

to install this package and try to build the server again.