Minimize window on scroll down?

1.1k views Asked by At

I was wondering, would it be possible to create a small piece of software that would allow the user to minimize a window by scrolling down on it? (on the top part that can be used to move it via drag and drop, obviously).

Following the same idea, it would be cool to be able to scroll up on the task bar icons to restore a minimized windows. I thought it would be cool (and since the user does not actually click but scrolls instead, it would prevent accidental nearby program openings when trying to restore a window)!

I am a total newbie when it comes to things like these. Could you please indicate me:

  1. if Windows would let me do that (I doubt it wouldn't)?
  2. How to code something like that (what language, and so on...)?

There are 2 answers

Ashley Best On

A way of doing this for maximizing the tabs open in the taskbar would be to create a custom taskbar identical to that of the main one. The second taskbar from Dual Monitor Taskbar works this way. There are also libraries in languages such as C++ which can detect scroll wheel movements.

Although this wasn't the most helpful answer, hopefully this could give you some ideas.

Constantinos On

It is definitely possible. I found a software that does that 6 years ago and I have been using it ever since. It is called Preme for windows (

I have been using the software for about 6 years now and I cannot use windows without it. It also allows closing windows when clicking the mouse scroll key and maximizing a window with scroll up.

I hope this helps you. I am always wondering why Microsoft does have these options built in in the OS!!