I'm trying to adapt the minimax algorithm from Wikipedia for my implementation of TicTacToe in Scala. I want the X player, -1, to try and maximize his score. I found a cool static evaluation function here which I would like to use. It returns positive numbers if the board is a good board for the player, and negative numbers if the board is bad for the player. I've tried a few variations and X continues to just make the first move available. The method is below, the method and evaluation function can be found here.
Is there something glaringly obvious about this that I'm missing?
// player X = -1, player O = 1
def minmax(board:Array[Int], height:Int, player:Int):Double={
if(height == 0)
evaluatePosition(board, player)
var alpha = -player * Double.PositiveInfinity;
val allBoards = makeAllPossibleMoves(board, player) // array of child boards
for(b <- allBoards){
val score = minmax(b, height-1, -player)
alpha = if (player == -1) Math.max(alpha, score) else Math.min(alpha, score)
It seems that
is initialized with the wrong value:means that in case of the
player (-1)alpha
is initialized aswhich can be simplified to
Thus, alpha cannot increase anymore, i.e.
will have no effect. The reverse should be true for the other player (1), where
is initialized as negative infinity and thus cannot be mimized anymore. Thus, you should be able to fix this by simply removing the-1
factor from the initialization ofalpha