Minikube doesn't work on Mac with hyperkit driver and VPN

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I tried to run minikube with hyperkit driver on VPN. While installing with minikube start --vm=true This error occurred.

❗ This VM is having trouble accessing

Someone said from github community, I should use docker but I can not use docker driver for now, because I should install ingress addon, when I tried with docker, it said this addon doesn't work with docker, so it recommends to use the alternative.

Is there any solution to make hyperkit work on VPN?


There are 2 answers

Rico On

This is a known issue. You can try using --vmdriver=virtualbox or --vmdriver=vmwarefusion. Note that you will either have to install VirtualBox or VMware Fusion (Paid license required)

marcus_t On

I'm on Mac and I faced the same issue. I solved it by applying the flag --hyperkit-vpnkit-sock=auto to minikube start --vm=true. This will, according to the docs:

Location of the VPNKit socket used for networking. If empty, disables Hyperkit VPNKitSock, if 'auto' uses Docker for Mac VPNKit connection, otherwise uses the specified VSock (hyperkit driver only)