The error is as follows:"The intellectual property publisher for the compute is "" but the intellectual property publisher for the run configuration is "OpenAIDevault" and they must be the same. If you are using an intellectual property protected component, please make sure you are using an intellectual", I don't get how to fix it? Any suggestions? Screenshot of my problem
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio - GPT 3.5 Turbo Fine-Tuning Problem
133 views Asked by Satoko EntertainMent At
I believe there is differences between
Azure AI
andAzure OpenAI
, the first one has also listing of those models however I experience the same problem as noted above, furthermore it is not possible to deploy even without fine-tuning. TheAzure OpenAI
, however provides you key, endpoint and deployment (potentially also to finetune) -> that's what I have found out so far.