enter image description here`public DDLogin_Page(WebDriver driver) { this.driver = driver; }
public void AccessLogin() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
WebElement oauth = driver.findElement(oAuth);
WebElement Username = driver.findElement(username);
WebElement Password = driver.findElement(password);
//WebElement SignIn = driver.findElement(btSignIn);
excelUtils.setExcelFile(excelFilePath, "Sheet1");
for (int i = 1; i <= excelUtils.getRowCountInSheet(); i++) {
if (excelUtils.getRowCountInSheet() >= i) {
String usernameValue = excelUtils.getCellData(i, 0);
String passwordValue = excelUtils.getCellData(i, 1);
WebElement signInButton = driver.findElement(By.id("idSIButton9"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", signInButton);
// WebElement SignIn = driver.findElement(btSignIn);
// SignIn.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER);
}else {
System.out.println("Row " + i + " does not exist in the Excel sheet.");
Im not getting any errors in the Eclipse IDE, the test getting passed, but SignIn doesn't work. when I enter username and password using Excel, and then I click the SigIn button the test getting closes when i add (driver.quit)./ else the test stops there without signing In.`
Can you pls try with the below for the Sign In Button ?
It worked for me.