Microcode terminology: are there names for different "styles" of microcode?

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I've been looking at microcode and wondered about terminology.

The "classic" use of microcode is to replace the processor control logic with microcode to generate the processor control signals. But there are some systems that go much further and implement low-level parts of the operating system in microcode, most famously the Xerox Alto, but also systems like the Datapoint 6600 and to a smaller extent the IBM 360. In these systems, executing instructions is just one task for the microcode, rather than the point of the microcode. Is there a word for this style of microcode? "Microprogrammed" almost fits, but is used for microcode programming in general.

The second dimension I'm wondering about: in some systems the microarchitecture is pretty much the same as the programmer-level architecture, maybe with a few extra internal registers, for example, the 68000. But in other systems, the visible architecture is essentially unrecognizable in the microarchitecture. For example, the different IBM 360 models have completely different microarchitectures but identical programmer-level architectures. My second question is if there is a term to describe systems where the microarchitecture is completely different from the visible architecture?

(I know about vertical vs. horizontal microcode but this is different. Also, the example I use are old, but this isn't a retrocomputing question.)


There are 1 answers

Olsonist On

Maurice Wilkes' original microcode paper doesn't mention horizontal vs vertical. But according to this taxonomy,

  • a horizontal microinstruction controls multiple resources in one cycle
  • a vertical microinstruction controls a single resource

There are other microcode features such as writeable; these don't change the microinstruction encoding.

Horizontal vs vertical microcode is a spectrum rather than a dichotomy. A strictly horizontal microinstruction would consist solely of control bits and fields. Such a pure horizontal microinstruction for any real architecture would be very wide since there are a lot of functions to control in a complex processor. Moreover, these control bits would be quite sparse. The resulting microstore would be large and expensive and not necessarily fast.

Instead modern microarchitectures like the P6 have opcodes. An opcode decoder is a combinational circuit which takes opcode bits and emits control values. This costs some gate delay but provides significant width compression, allowing a much smaller microstore. A vertical microarchitecture simply takes this to an extreme and each opcode controls a single resource.

Writing complex instructions and low level OS components in microcode was actually efficient in the 60s and that led to CISC ISAs. However, when VLSI, caches and superscalars came along, this design decision was revisited which gave rise to RISC ISAs. But again, this historical progression of ISAs doesn't change the taxonomy of microcode.