I need to measure .NET performance counters using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) during performance test.
Testing platform is based on LoadRunner and SiteScope.
I have use the follow approach:
- using perfmon application to identify .NET counters that I need to monitor at '_Global_' scope
- using wbemtest application to translate counters in WMI object and elaborate required Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language (WQL) queries
- translate counters extraction process in functional routine with PowerShell using Get-WmiObject cmdlet
- wrapping PowerShell code into java in manner to execute it into SiteScope "Custom WMI monitor"
- export .NET performance counter to LoadRunner
This flow seems correct but it's complicated by Citrix installed on performance test environment.
I have worked on steps 1, 2 and 3 easly and I have elaborated a correct PowerShell script that can remotelly read .NET performance counters from SiteScope server but if I execute java wrapper with PowerShell code I have found strange values.
- On some machines I see counter not realted to '_Global_' scope but related to a Citrix Service called "Health Monitor"
- On other machines I don't see any counter
In which manner Citrix can alter WMI object reading? Why wrapping in java the working PowerShell code I cannot obtain same result?