Method overriding and Functional Interface complie error

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I have replicated an error that I ran into while using Java 8 @FunctionalInterface (eclipse). The following does not compile; Refined produces the error:

interface Functioner<TFunnel, TFan> {
    Function<TFunnel, TFan> funnelledThenFanned();

interface Receiver<T, TFan>
extends Functioner<Supplier<? extends T>, TFan> {}

interface Giver<TFunnel, T>
extends Functioner<TFunnel, Supplier<T>> {}

interface Refined<T, R>
extends Function<T, R>, Receiver<T, Supplier<R>>, Giver<Supplier<? extends T>, R> {

    public abstract R apply(T arg);

    public default Function<Supplier<? extends T>, Supplier<R>> funnelledThenFanned() {


Refined extending all of Function, Receiver and Giver causes the error; remove any one of these, and the code compiles. Is this the correct behavior? If so, how can/should I refactor?


This seems to produce a similar error:

interface Another<TFunnel, T>
extends Functioner<TFunnel, Supplier<T>>, Giver<TFunnel, T> {

    public abstract void newMethod();

    public default Function<TFunnel, Supplier<T>> funnelledThenFanned() {


Also, I'll note that without @FunctionalInterface everything compiles; interface instances just cannot be expressed as a lambda.


There are 3 answers

Stephan Herrmann On BEST ANSWER

This was Eclipse bug 453552, which was fixed as of 4.6M1, so any Neon release (currently Neon.1, soon Neon.2) contains the fix.

Bohemian On

Functioner has an abstract method funnelledThenFanned(), and Another adds newMethod(), making 2 abstract methods, which exceeds the limit of 1 imposed by @FunctionalInterface.

There is no mystery here.

bizness86 On

Switching from Eclipse Mars to Oxygen solved this problem. Thank you.