The assignment is to add comes after every three digits looking from right to left. So number 1000000 should be 1,000,000 etc.
I have relatively good idea how to tackle this problem, but I have no idea why am I getting no output. Maybe I am making some mistake that I am not aware of or something...
I think that I understand concept that Strings are immutable, so they cannot be changed in place and when you want to change something to string you have to make new string object. But I dont get how is this possible then:
`result = ch + result;`
and this
result = "," + result;
What am I getting wrong here ?
import acm.program.*;
import acm.util.*;
public class AddCommasToNumericString extends ConsoleProgram{
public void run(){
String digits = readLine("Enter a numeric string: ");
if (digits.length() == 0) break;
public String addCommasToNumericString(String digits){
String result = "";
int counter = 0;
for (int i = digits.length()-1; i <= 0 ; i--){
char ch = digits.charAt(i);
result = ch + result;
if (counter % 3 == 0){
result = "," + result;
return result;
I suggest eliminating the
and use only the loop variable by making a small change: