meta programming XMLSlurper results

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I've Slurped up a twitter feed where each entry looks like:

    <link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href=""/>
    <title>U always right. ml</title>
    <content type="html">U always right. T <a href=&quot;;>@Star_babey</a>: But its only <b>twitter</b> tho star u wilding...lml</content>
    <link type="image/png" rel="image" href=""/>

etc etc

What I needed to do in grails/GSP was to display the image like <img src=${tweet.imgUrl}/> So this looked like a good case for metaprogramming the XML result but I'm having trouble as a Groovy nooby.

See how there are at least 2 "link" nodes, the image url has a rel="image" attribute. So I've tried...

def records = new XmlSlurper().parse(
records.entry.metaClass.imgUrl = { -> return{it?.@rel == 'image'}?.@href }

But errors like this I cannot get beyond:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.slurpersupport.NodeChild.shout() is applicable for argument types: () values: []

Any help appreciated


There are 1 answers

tim_yates On BEST ANSWER

No need for meta programming I don't think, you should just be able to do:

imageUrlList = new XmlSlurper().parse( ) { it.@rel == 'image' }*.@href

Then that should leave you with a list of Strings for each location...

Are you passing the whole XmlSlurper back to the GSP? I'd probably just extract the data you need and send only that back