I'm using ElasticMQ (via docker image v1.3.3) and can't get the DLQ to work.
This is my elasticmq.conf
include classpath("application.conf")
node-address {
protocol = http
host = localhost
port = 9324
context-path = ""
rest-sqs {
enabled = true
bind-port = 9324
bind-hostname = ""
// Possible values: relaxed, strict
sqs-limits = strict
rest-stats {
enabled = true
bind-port = 9325
bind-hostname = ""
queues {
main {
defaultVisibilityTimeout = 10 seconds
delay = 2 seconds
receiveMessageWait = 0 seconds
deadLettersQueue {
name = "retry"
maxReceiveCount = 1
retry {
defaultVisibilityTimeout = 10 seconds
delay = 2 seconds
receiveMessageWait = 0 seconds
deadletter {
defaultVisibilityTimeout = 10 seconds
delay = 2 seconds
receiveMessageWait = 0 seconds
I'm sending a message like so (using the AWS CLI):
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:9324 sqs send-message --queue-url http://localhost:9324/queue/main --message-body "Hello, queue"
And receiving it like so:
aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:9324 sqs receive-message --queue-url http://localhost:9324/queue/main --wait-time-seconds 10
I'm not deleting the message from the queue but the message is being deleted and not being moved to the DLQ (i.e., the retry queue). I'm also trying to receive the message with Java code and getting the same result.
Why is that?