MessageKit InputBar is hidden/removed on ViewController dismissal

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I am using MessageKit 3.0.0-swift5 branch for chats. Clicking on the message, I am presenting the ViewController. When Viewcontroller is dismissed, I am not able to access InputBar.

Has anybody come across this issue?

Check the video here.


// MessageCellDelegate

func didTapMessage(in cell: MessageCollectionViewCell) { 
     self.showFileInBrowser(withTitle: "", url: fileURL)

func showFileInBrowser(withTitle title: String? = nil,  url: URL) {
     self.fileBrowser = FileBrowserViewController(title: title, url: url)
     let navigation = BaseNavigationController(rootViewController: fileBrowser!)
     self.present(navigation, animated: true, completion: nil)

// FileBrowserViewController

@objc func closeButtonTapped() {
    self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

I am also using IQKeyboardManager, but the below solution is not working.

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    IQKeyboardManager.shared().isEnabled = false

override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
    IQKeyboardManager.shared().isEnabled = true

There are 3 answers

Alireza Namazi On

I think that you have to before present the next ViewController disable Keyboard by TextView.resignFirstResponder() Because the problem begins while ViewController is Presenting

Suresh Mopidevi On

I too facing that issue before, but i tried to to present nextViewController as by adding the following code. hope it will work.

 nextViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
 nextViewController.modalTransitionStyle = .coverVertical
agoncharov On

I had the same issue in my application, which is using just InputBarViewController (in some reasons I had to implement my own chat, not using MessageKit).

So, this issue is very easy to reproduce if you are trying to show some modal view controller not from current controller, or even moving first responder focus to another UITextField within current VC (e.g. search field). For me working solution is just call becomeFirstResponder on current view controller instance just after resigning control from search field or inside viewDidAppear (or in some other place where you can be sure, chat UI is visible again).

P.S. I also faced this issue when UIContextMenu (long touch in cell) was dismissed. Solution was pretty the same.