I am creating a dashboard for our service. And I want to create metrics for url requests. Lets say have a similar url like this one:
And I have following query in Splunk
| stats avg(timeTaken) as avg_latency, p99(timeTaken) as "p99(ms)", perc75(timeTaken) as "p75(ms)", count as total_requests, count(eval(responseStatus=500)) as failed_requests by url
| eval "success_rate"=round((total_requests - failed_requests)/total_requests*100,2)
| eval avg = round(avg)
| sort success_rate
All I want is to have a table with one common url showing all the metrics. But instead, I get a table with a list of all urls with different parameters.
You want to create a field which is the URL minus the UserId part, And therefore the stats will be grouped by which url is called.
You can do this by using
to make a mv field of the url, and take out the UserId by one of two ways depending on the URLs.Mvfilter: Eg:
Or created a new mvfield with the userId removed by it's index in the mvfield using this: Add/Edit/Delete mvfield
Instead of removing you could also choose to replace the UserId with "{userId}", so long as you do the same for all Urls.
And then you can rejoin the url using
I hope I understood your question correctly and this helps you!