Merge Sort for 10 million inputs

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This is my code in c++. I have used c++11. is used to measure time in microseconds. My merge sort takes about 24 seconds to sort a randomly generated number array of size of 10 million. But when i refer to my friend's results they have got like 3 seconds. My code seems correct and the difference of mine and them is that they have used the clock in to measure time instead of chrono. Will this affect the deviation of my result? Please answer!

This is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;

void merge_sort(long* inputArray,long low,long high);
void merge(long* inputArray,long low,long high,long mid);

int main(){
    int n=1000;
    long* inputArray = new long[n];
    for (long i=0;i<n;i++){   //initialize the arrays of size n with random n numbers
        inputArray[i]=rand();  //Generate a random number
    auto Start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); //Set the start time for insertion_sort
    merge_sort(inputArray,0,n); //calling the insertion_sort to sort the array of size n
    auto End = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); //Set the end time for insertion_sort
    cout<<endl<<endl<<"Time taken for Merge Sort = "<<std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(End-Start).count()<<" microseconds";  //Display the time taken for insertion sort
    delete []inputArray;
    return 0;

void merge_sort(long* inputArray,long low,long high){
    if (low<high){
        int mid =(low+high)/2;

void merge(long* inputArray,long low,long mid,long high){
    long n1 = mid-low+1;
    long n2 = high - mid;
    long *L= new long [n1+1];
    long *R=new long [n2+1];
    for (int i=0;i<=n1;i++){
        L[i] = inputArray[low+i];

    for (int j=0;j<=n2;j++){
        R[j] = inputArray[mid+j+1];
    L[n1]=INT_MAX ;
    long i=0;
    long j=0;
    for (long k=low;k<=high;k++){
        if (L[i] <= R[j] ){

    delete[] L;
    delete[] R;

There are 1 answers

geoalgo On BEST ANSWER

No way two time measurements took 20 seconds.

As others pointed out, results would be really dependent on platform, compiler optimization (debug mode can be really slower than release mode) and so on.

If you have the same setting as your friends and still have performance issue, you may want to use a profiler to see where your code is spending time. You can use that tool if you are in linux otherwise visual studio in windows is a good candidate.