Using the API here:
From what I understand, if I want to mark a specific "mention" as read, I do something like this:
$browser = new \Buzz\Browser(new \Buzz\Client\Curl);
$params = ['read' => true]; //tried this
$url = "" . $this->getAccountId() . "/alerts/{$alert_id}/mentions/{$mention_id}";
$url .= '?' . http_build_query($params); //i think this isnt needed because i pass $params below to the $browser->put but it was worth a try.
$response = $browser->put($url, array(
"Authorization: Bearer {$this->getAccessToken()}",
"Accept: application/json",
), $params);
if (200 != $response->getStatusCode()) {
return false;
However, when I run the code, it doesn't produce any errors and infact returns a valid response, but the "read" flag is still set to false.
Also tried:
$params = ['read' => 'true']; //tried this
$params = ['read' => 1]; //tried this
The Mention API accepts JSON in request bodies:
You can mark a mention as read like this: