Memory leak WKWebView iOS 8.4

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WKWebview leaks memory on iOS 8.4. It can be detected using Instruments (Leaks). When we check the Stack Trace, it points towards the initialisation of WKWebView.

webView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:_displayView.frame];

If we drill down, we can figure out that UIWebSelectionAssistant & _UIKeyboardTextSelectionGestureController are allocated but never released.

Since these are called by WKWebView internally, I don't know how to release them. Although I am using ARC, but still I have written these in dealloc method:

[webView stopLoading];
webView.navigationDelegate = nil;
[webView removeFromSuperview];
webView = nil;

However, still I can't avoid leaks. More details can be found in the screenshot attached. Link to leaks screenshot



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