In this question on StackExchange I've asked (and it has been solved) about a Prolog program I have been trying to create. But while it works in principle, it doesn't scale to my real world need.
Before I start learning yet another language (Datalog), I'd like to try my already done work and know how I can implement in Prolog a way to memorise results from earlier queries such that the same query is only executed once. So, I'm looking for a way to add the result of a successful query to a List and if that same query is asked again, it doesn't redo the calculation, but uses the remembered result.
My main problem is that I cannot find a way to keep the result of a successful query in a list that is passed 'up the chain'.
% get this out of the way, quickly
isARelation( Source, Relation, Target, _) :-
isADirectRelation( Source, Relation, Target).
% Structural Chains
isARelation( Source, Relation, Target, Visited) :-
\+ member( [Source,Relation,Target], Visited),
structuralOrDependencyRelation( RelationOne),
structuralOrDependencyRelation( RelationTwo),
weakest( Relation, RelationOne, RelationTwo),
isADirectRelation( Source, RelationOne, Intermediate),
isARelation( Intermediate, RelationTwo, Target, [[Source,RelationOne,Intermediate]|Visited]).
isARelation( Source, Relation, Target, Visited) :-
\+ member( [Source,Relation,Target], Visited),
structuralOrDependencyRelation( RelationOne),
structuralOrDependencyRelation( RelationTwo),
weakest( Relation, RelationOne, RelationTwo),
isADirectRelation( Source, RelationTwo, Intermediate),
isARelation( Intermediate, RelationOne, Target, [[Source,RelationTwo,Intermediate]|Visited]).
How do I implement that the first call
isARelation(A, B, C, []).
does the calculation of the results, and a second call
isARelation(A, B, C, []).
uses the earlier found result, which is kept 'globally'?
This is advice on how to generically do what tabling does. I haven't followed this advice in ages myself so there may be inaccuracies here. Hopefully the rest of the gang will show up and correct me if I'm off-base.
that is inefficient.Add this to your file:
or something.Make a new predicate
that looks like this: