Memcache works on localhost (without anything in

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My question is "can anybody corroborate or explain?" The following caching logic works as expected on localhost, but fails on heroku (queries every time):

from django.core.cache import cache
QUEUE_KEY = "queue"
def index(request):
  queue = cache.get(QUEUE_KEY)
  if not queue:
      queue = QueueItem.objects.order_by("id")
      cache.set(QUEUE_KEY, queue)
  c = {'queue': queue}
  return render_to_response('index.html', c)

There are 1 answers

Sascha Trifunovic On

The cache works on localhost because Django uses local memory caching per default as described in the documentation.

I am assuming you followed this guide but did not configure your CACHE in your to use the MemCachier add-on. I just did the same and yes, it does not use the cache on Heroku. To answer @dahrens comment, there is no error. I am assuming that Heroku just disallows local memory cache or mocks it to always return empty.