MEF2 how to get metadata from CompositionHost export with convention based imports

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This is my first SO question so please bear with me...

I am trying to load components with MEF2 using the ConventionBuilder class. Everything works as excpected until I need to access metadata that is available as attributes on a imported type. Let's assume I have the following class:

[RuntimeCheckAttribute("MyString1", "MyString2", MyEnum.Value1)]
class ImportedClass : IRuntimeCheck

Now I could have a ConventionBuilder instance defining a convention for instances of 'IRunTimeCheck':

ConventionBuilder conventions = new ConventionBuilder();
           .Export(exp => exp.AsContractType<IRuntimeCheck>()).Shared();

I would then make use of a 'CompositionHost' instance that has been configured to inspect a list of assemblies. A call to

var runtimeChecks = container.GetExports<IRuntimeCheck>();

will then create instances of all exported 'IRuntimeCheck' types.

My question now is how to access the metadata on the IRunTimeCheck-types during the export process. With MEF1 I could make use of the ImportMany / Lazy mechanism. Until now I have not found a good way to rebuild this behaviour with MEF2 as all the Export-overloads on 'CompositionHost' do not allow me to access the metadata attributes.

I have managed to add the metadata on the ConventionBuilder level by using AddPartMetaData:

           .AddPartMetadata("securityRuntimeMetadata", AddRuntimeCheckMetadata)
           .Export(exp => exp.AsContractType<IRuntimeCheck>()).Shared();

private object AddRuntimeCheckMetadata(Type arg)
    RuntimeCheckAttribute metadata = (arg.GetCustomAttributes<RuntimeCheckAttribute>(false) as  
    if (metadata == null)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("errorMessage");
    return metadata;

When I debug the MEF2 code I can see that the metadata Information is added at the convention builder level. But I could not figure out how to export this Information again. I found a couple of posts that try to make use of the ExportFactory. But most of them are working with non shared exports which is not my goal.


There are 1 answers

Andreas On

As I wrote as comment I had a similar problem. After some playing around and code step-into I got the necessary meta data without instantiating the type.

This is my ConventionBuilder config:

var cb = new ConventionBuilder();
            .AddPartMetadata(MetadataApiControllerName, t => t.FullName)
            .Export(ex => ex.AddMetadata(MetadataApiControllerName, t => t.FullName))

cb.ForTypesMatching(t => t.BaseType != null && (
                    (t.BaseType.Name.Equals(MetadataControllerName) && !t.BaseType.Name.StartsWith("T4MVC"))
                    || t.BaseType.Name.Equals(MetadataExtentionControllerName)
                .AddPartMetadata(MetadataControllerName, t => t.FullName)
                .Export(ex => ex.AddMetadata(MetadataControllerName, t => t.FullName))

I'm working on a MVC / Web Api project and need only some meta information of some controllers. To get them I use this Export:

var controllerExport = _compositionContainer.Container.Value.GetExports<ExportFactory<IController, IDictionary<String, Object>>>()
                        part => part.Metadata != null &&
                                part.Metadata.ContainsKey(DefaultContainerConfiguration.MetadataControllerName) &&
                                part.Metadata.Any(v => v.Value.ToString()
                                                .EndsWith(controllerName + ControllerNameByConvention, true,

The ExportFactory object provides the requested Metadata Dictionary (IDictionary<String, Object>).