Meaning of "File is not `gci`-ed with --skip-generated -s standard,default (gci)"

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I get this error message:

main.go:24: File is not `gci`-ed with --skip-generated -s standard,default (gci)
import (

What does this mean?

Background: I am new to Go, and the linting was not set up by me. I confess that I don't know the actual linter which creates this warning.


There are 2 answers

guettli On

gci is

a tool that controls golang package import order and makes it always deterministic.

When linting the code with golangci-lint, the changes required by the gci linter are not directly applied. One then has to manually apply them. For this get gci with

 go install

scan it and directly write required changes with

gci write --skip-generated -s standard,default .
  • --skip-generated skips generated files
  • -s standard,default defines how import inputs are processed. standard are all official Golang provided imports, default are all other ones.
jjkim On


golangci-lint run --fix

and you can go from there!