md-sidenav overflow not working

1.1k views Asked by At

This is a Firefox issue, Chrome works fine.

Sidenav its not "overflowing" the content

To see in action, just visit the link below using Firefox, to get it right, use Chrome.

Angular Material Demo v0.9.8

There is no much to say.

Any tips?

<div layout="row" flex>
   <md-sidenav layout="column" class="md-sidenav-left md-whiteframe-z2" md-component-id="left" md-is-locked-open="$mdMedia('gt-sm')">
      ....  // overflow content

What i notice its a overflow blinks when page load.


There are 1 answers

Robert Messerle On BEST ANSWER

This is pretty easily fixed by changing line 16 to the following:

<div layout="row" flex style="overflow:hidden">

This shouldn't be necessary, and I am going to look into adding a fix for this right now. In the meantime, the solution above should work.