I have a set of variables all measured on a nominal scale. I have applied the MCA function within the FactoMineR package to reduce the dimension of my data set. Next I would like to calculate a score for each participant. Here is an extract from the article:
The following equation was used to calculate a composite asset index score for each population unit (or household): MCAPi = Ri1W1 + Ri2W2 + … + RijWj + … + RiJWJ Where MCAPi is the ith household’s composite poverty indicator score, Rij is the response of household i to category j, and Wj is the MCA weight for dimension one applied to category j. MCA was employed to calculate these weights, using the mca command in Stata8 (Statacorp, 2003; Van Kerm, 1998). This command estimates “an adjusted simple correspondence analysis on the Burt matrix.
- What are the MCA weights that they refer to? Is it the the column coordinates?
- How do you extend the idea when you use for example three instead of only one dimension?
Small example:
example <-example%>%mutate_if(is.numeric,as.factor)
res.mca <- MCA(example, graph = TRUE,method = "Burt")
Are res.mca$var$coord the MCA weights that the article is referring to?