MboxIterator not in Apache Mime4J

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I downloaded the binaries of the latest stable version of apache-mime4j (0.7.2).

Yet, I fail to compile the next code since MboxIterator & CharBufferWrapper classes are not found.

final File mbox = new File("path/name.mbox");
for (CharBufferWrapper message : MboxIterator.fromFile(mbox).charset(ENCODER.charset()).build()) 
{do something}

The jars included in my build path: apache-mime4j-core-0.7.2.jar, apache-mime4j-dom-0.7.2.jar.

Am I using the wrong jars or version?


There are 2 answers

tontonton On

I had the same problem but I ended getting it to work by doing a little research.

The classes you mention, at least by what I found, are not included into Mime4J, so you have to code them yourself. Thanks to the devs, they got them uploaded in the following link: MBoxIterator needed classes.

Hope those solve the problem.

Wolfgang Fahl On

You can clone the current snaphshot of the mime4j project from

to your personal github account

or use my clone:

and your MBoxIterator is here: