Maximized Window Restores to Full Screen

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Using CWnd::ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) maximizes my app window as expected.

However, when clicking the restore button on the app (or double clicking the title-bar), the restored size is the same size as the maximized window, which is confusing for the user.

Using this alternative code has the same problem:

wndpl.showCmd = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;

How can I keep the default un-maximized size when restoring.


There are 1 answers

Dialecticus On

I've solved my problem, and the solution might solve yours too. My problem was that even though I called SetWindowPlacement(&wndpl) within CMainFrame::OnCreate the window was not properly restored if it was maximized. I added two lines of code before SetWindowPlacement, and now it works as expected.

CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    // Obtain wndpl, maybe from registry
    AfxGetApp()->m_nCmdShow = wndpl.showCmd;
    wndpl.showCmd = SW_SHOW;

These two lines helps underlying code not to mess things up when calling ActivateFrame, which calls ShowWindow with parameter obtained from CWinApp::m_nCmdShow.