Max Row and Col for Animating Sprite in Andengine

530 views Asked by At

Hi All, I want to animate a Sprite in Andengine , I have Used:

this.mSnapdragonTextureRegion = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createTiledFromAsset(this.mBitmapTextureAtlas, this,"arrow.png", 10, 10);

As shown above in code, I have a 10x10 spritesheet. This spritesheet represents 100 frames of animation.

The image, for reference: spritesheet

My issue is if I draw this animated sprite, I see a black patch instead of animated image, despite the same technique working properly for 2x3, and 4x2 spritesheets.

Is my issue because 10x10 is too large? What is the maximum number of rows and columns which can be used for this method of animation?


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