Max record size

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I'm a bit confused about calculating the max possible size of a record in sql server. I'm getting this error when I add an int column to a table in the application I'm working on (a table I didn't create/that is new to me):

Warning: The table "myTable" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes. INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit.

I've tried the methods suggested here to figure out what is the max record size in my table, but they get very different results:


SELECT sum(max_record_size_in_bytes) as maxSizeSum 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(N'MyDb'), OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[myTable]'), NULL, NULL , 'DETAILED')

This returns 5712 as maxSizeSum, so if this is right then the error I get on adding a field would have to be wrong...


dbcc showcontig ('myTable') with tableresults

This gets 3976, which isn't surprising given the comment in the post that it only measures current data, not possible data


SELECT OBJECT_NAME (id) tablename
 , COUNT (1)        nr_columns
 , SUM (length)     maxrowlength
FROM   syscolumns

The line returned for myTable has maxrowlength of 52498. I guess that's possible but it's WAAAAY above the allowed length and the other measurement methods.

4) This post has another method, which also gets 52498, so I'm leaning towards thinking that's the 'real' answer, but am hoping for confirmation given the differences of opinion:

Select  schema_name(T.schema_id) As SchemaName,
        T.Name As TableName,
        Sum(C.max_length) As RowSize
From    sys.tables T
        Inner Join sys.columns C
            ON T.object_id = C.Object_ID
        INNER JOIN sys.types S
            On C.system_type_id = S.system_type_Id
    Where T.Name = 'myTable'
Group By schema_name(T.schema_id),
Order By schema_name(T.schema_id),

I don't have any nvarchar fields in my database, so that isn't a concern for me. Are the last 2 methods right and the others wrong?

Many thanks!!


There are 1 answers

Gordon Linoff On

The comment is the most telling.

You are not exceeding the maximum record size. Your table could exceed the maximum record size, given the definitions of the columns.

As you have demonstrated looking at the actual data size, your operation appears to be safe -- for the time being.