Maven jax-ws plugin wsimport giving "The nested type x cannot hide an enclosing type" in generated code

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  • Maven - 3.3.1 with jaxws-maven-plugin version 2.3 and goal wsimport on a wsdlUrl that I can't paste here.
  • Java 1.7

Example maven pom content:

                            <!-- Fix naming resolution due to ChangeOrderResponse duplicate stanza -->
                            <!-- Fix naming resolution due to ChangeOrderResponse duplicate stanza -->


I have been generating client code from wsdl's for quite some time now within Mule and it has always been fairly straight forward and productive but now I've hit a snag for which I might get a pointer in the right direction here.

Basically, in the generated code from the wsdl there is a nested class of the same name as the container class and this is producing the colour red in my projects where I'm using this wsdl.

What I know:

I can change the code manually and viola, or better yet I can change the wsimport to use a static file (copied from the url - incl all the xsd's) and change those files. However both seem wrong!

Is there a way I can manipulate the process of code generation or should I ask the vendor to make changes? What are your thoughts?

Many thanks, truly appreciate any input.


There are 1 answers


The answer lied in the fact that the vendor actually intended consumers to use xmlbeans for bindings and not jaxb as per the current jax-ws standard. So in order to create client code from the wsdl I was able to do either one of the following.

On windows (if you have the tool):

md YourServiceFolderName
WSDL2java -uri YourService.wsdl -ss -sd -ssi -g -d xmlbeans -o YourServiceFolderName

With Maven plugin, under your "plugins" tag (be sure to sort out the dependancies you'll need as well - not given here):


This should give you all the java artefacts you need to get on with your service consumption. Hope this helps someone.