Here is the sequence of actions that leads to deployment failure :
- I deploy for the first time a war called xxx.war, through Cargo, to a remote JONAS 4.7.4. It succeeds, and put my war in webapps directory.
- I try to redeploy this war through Cargo to update it : no problem, it succeeds.
- I shutdown JONAS and start it. My JONAS is configured to autodeploy war that are in webapps directory. So my xxx.war is automatically deployed by JONAS.
- I try to redeploy a new version of this war through Cargo : this is a failure. When a war has been autodeployed by JONAS, I just can't redeploy it by Maven Cargo.
If JONAS is not in autodeploy mode, there is no problem in redeploying a new version of the war through Cargo after a restart of JONAS.
Any ideas ?
Finally I don't use cargo anymore.
Instead I do deployment through antrun plugin, and it works very well.
I have put JONAS in autodeploy mode.