Maven Ant Task tries to open pom as zip and fails

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I am trying to run an Maven Ant Task with plugin version 2.1.3 and for some reason running into this error:

[javac] Compiling 101 source files to /home/raido/Workspace2/foobar/classes
[javac] error: error reading /home/raido/.m2/repository/foobar/1.0/foobar-1.0.pom; error in opening zip file
[javac] 1 error

Why is it trying to read a xml file as an zip file and how can I avoid this? The file itself is perfectly fine and readable.

That part from the build.xml file:

<target name="compile" depends="init">
    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
    <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}" />
    <javac classpathref="compile.dependency.path" debug="on"
        deprecation="on" destdir="${classes.dir}"
        includes="bar/**/*.java" optimize="off"
        srcdir="${src.dir}" />

The error is targeted to the closing sign > on the srcdir row i.e. the whole tag.


There are 3 answers


I finally figured it out. The problem was that the main ant file had a specific task that produced JAR-s of the modules but I hadn't done it. This shows how important documentation sometimes is which this project doesn't have at all!

Jigar Joshi On

It might be corrupt zip. you can remove the foobar/1.0/ dir from your maven repos and let maven download new fresh version

carlspring On

Show us your definition of compile.dependency.path. Seems like the pattern there is not quite correct and allows .pom files (if it's **/**, for example), which will clearly not work.