When using the MatTooltip with MatAutocompleteList I get the following error:
Error: Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: n.addEventListener is not a function TypeError: n.addEventListener is not a function
The MatTooltip works fine with all other components such as MatTextField, MatIconButton, etc. Only with the MatAutocompleteList I am not able to make it work.
I am using MatBlazor 2.7.0.
Here is some example code for reproduction purpose causing the error:
<MatBlazor.MatTooltip Tooltip="sadölkf">
<MatBlazor.MatAutocompleteList @bind-Value="@currentValue" Items="@values" TItem="string" Label="Label:" RefBack="@context"></MatBlazor.MatAutocompleteList>
@code {
private string currentValue;
private string[] values = {
"test1", "test2"
I had the same problem with MatChip i fixed it by adding RefBack="@context" in child