I have seen this question, but it doesn't really get answered: MatSnackbar not updating MatSnackBarContent I have a similar issue and I wanted to see if anyone knows a solution.
I have a simple example:
<div>Snackbar Status Message = @StatusMessage</div> <<< This shows the actual value
<MatSnackbar @bind-IsOpen="@statusBarIsOpen">
<MatSnackbarContent >@StatusMessage</MatSnackbarContent> <<< This should show the same
I am updating the @StatusMessage by a custom event callback on a user form, and want to show the success or not of the update. (Quite a common use case I would have imagined?)
// This is the callback handler for the 'OnUserSaved' callback
protected void UserSaved(string statusmessage)
StatusMessage = statusmessage; <<< Update the status message
statusBarIsOpen = true; <<< Open the snackBar / status bar
this.StateHasChanged(); <<< fire the changed event
isOpened = false; <<< this closes the form
The first time, the StatusMessage is rendered correctly. After that it just stays fixed at the first message. While the above correctly shows the status. I mean yes I could just use the line above and clear it etc.. but then, what is MatSnackBar for? Is there some clear function I am missing, or am I just doing it wrong?
A solution on github solved with this workaround: