I am trying to specify figure limits in matplotlib, but they are not being enforced. I am setting the limits in my subplot, and I saw the figures were clearly at different extents, so I have printed out the specified and actual limits to confirm that they are different.
How can I force the figure limits, regardless of data extents?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import contextily as ctx
def mymap(df, xlimits, ylimits):
mycolorsdict = {'A':'green', 'B':'orange', 'C':'blue'}
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
for key, group in df.groupby('category'):
group.plot(ax=ax, kind='scatter',
x='long', y='lat',
ctx.add_basemap(ax, crs='epsg:4326',
ax.set_xlim = xlimits
ax.set_ylim = ylimits
ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain')
ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8)
print(ylimits, ax.get_ylim())
print(xlimits, ax.get_xlim())
And when I run this function for a couple of dataframes, the maps are not at the same limits nor at the limits I specified.
xl = [-116.423639, -116.120922]
yl = [34.288848, 34.779539]
for cat in df.category.unique():
df2 = df[df.category == cat].copy()
mymap(df2, xl, yl)
It returns limits different that what I specified. What I specified is on the left, and the actual are on the right.
[34.288848, 34.779539] (34.26499695, 34.80380005000001)
[-116.423639, -116.120922] (-116.43791284999999, -116.10754215000003)
[34.288848, 34.779539] (34.327880050000005, 34.71235095)
[-116.423639, -116.120922] (-116.38095349999999, -116.1129605)