I'm trying to convert a .avi file with audio to a .mp4 file. I wrote this script 'avi2mp4.m' using the Computer Vision System Toolbox v7.2 with the MATLAB R2016b.
vfr = vision.VideoFileReader('Cris Drift vs Patrick.avi', 'AudioOutputPort',true);
vfw = vision.VideoFileWriter('Cris Drift vs Patrick.mp4', 'FileFormat','MPEG4', 'AudioInputPort',true, ...
'FrameRate',vfr.info.VideoFrameRate, 'Quality',90);
while ~isDone(vfr)
[frame, audio] = vfr(); % [frame, audio] = step(vfr);
vfw(frame, audio); % step(vfw, frame, audio);
but i get this error:
Error using vision.VideoFileWriter/parenReference Too many input arguments; expected 1 (in addition to the object handle), got 2.
Error in avi2mp4 (line 16) vfw(frame, audio);
I don't know why? I have to pass the audio data as an argument to write it with the video data. It's the same syntax as described in the MATLAB Documentation
you can write both audio and video only when the format is AVI or WMV. If you received a warning aboutAudioInputPort
property not relevant when you set that property that means audio is not supported in that configuration.